Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Gassan Sadatoshi: Japanese Swordsmiths for 800 years.

I'm on a quest to find the family of the man who made my great grandfather's Samurai Sword.

A good first step is to find one of Japan's best swordsmiths... but that was not my plan.  Finding Gassan was a gift from my new friends in Asuka Village and Sakura City near Nara.

More about how this came to be... coming soon. 

I rushed back from my pilgrimage to Hiroshima to meet one of Japan's National Living Treasures:

I met Gassan Sadatoshi at his home and sword making studio in Sakura City, not far from Nara and discovered his philosophical world view:  "Swords are not for fighting."

In the short documentary above, it makes sense to pair Gassan with my memories of the Peace Memorial in Hiroshima, I met him less than 24 hours after walking across Little Boy's ground zero, the first nuclear weapon used in warfare. 

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